Guardian Family Requirements
Guardian families are an integral part of how we raise our dogs. We do not believe in putting animals in permanent kennels, breeding them their entire lives, or breeding any animals with health or genetic issues for the sake of profit.
A Guardian family is a Lake Bay Labradoodle family that wants to be a part of sharing the joy of owning a labradoodle with others. You also have the distinct benefit of having a genetically perfect doodle (or as close as you can get).
These animals are the best of the breed as far as health, temperament, confirmation and presentation.
We believe the dogs we breed deserve to live with their forever families from the start, and we simply have them visit us when it is time to be bred, and then again when it is time to have puppies. Females will be bred anywhere from 3-4 times in their life once they are sexually mature and have been health tested (around age 2 for females and age 1 for males).
We cover all breeding-related costs. We base the number of times we breed on the health of our females and their offspring.
Once you have fulfilled your required litters, we pay to spay the female dog, legal ownership is transferred to you, and she will be officially retired. Her contribution to Lake Bay Labradoodles is over, but her legacy will live on in the beautiful pups she lovingly brought into the world. Our Guardian families often gather regularly and form lasting friendships.
In recognition of being a part of our breeding program, we have waived our normal non-breeding puppy price of $3,300. Alternatively, we charge a $500 fee to become a part of the Guardian program.
The Requirements Are:
-You must live within one hour of Portland, OR.
-You must agree to transport the dog to and from our location for testing, breedings and for puppy delivery.
-We are pretty accurate in knowing when your dog will need to be bred and when she will deliver puppies. As such, you generally know when your dog will be with us. At a minimum, we require the dog to be delivered to us within 8 hours of requesting them.
-You must agree to follow the feeding recommendations and medical directions we provide. We feel very strongly about feeding high-quality diets, and avoiding certain medications and immunizations that can be deadly to dogs.
-You agree to pay for the normal cost of the food, training, grooming and normal medical/preventative care for the life of the dog. We pay all breeding-related testing and costs, and food and medical treatment while they are with us.
-We also pay to spay the dog when she is done having puppies, if the conditions of the contract are met.
-You must not move out of the state, or you will face a significant financial penalty, and relinquish the dog to Lake Bay Labradoodles. As such, being a Guardian family is not a good option for families not settled in the area, and we would suggest that one of our non-breeding doodles would be a better fit for your family. Should you move more than one hour away within Oregon or SW Washington you are still responsible for transporting the female to us within 8 hours of us requesting him/her.
-You must notify us immediately when the female goes into heat, and agree to keep her away from any unaltered males. -We cannot permit a female to live in a home with an unaltered male or male with an unaltered female.
-You agree to provide a safe environment for her, including a fenced yard.
-You agree to complete puppy obedience training at your expense.
-You agree to crate, leash and potty train the puppy, and insure he/she is well-socialized
Please contact us for details if you are interested in being a Guardian family for one of our males as different conditions apply. If you believe being a guardian family is right for you, please reach out to us at